The Quality Education for All Fund provides support for the Jacksonville Teach for America site and its 200 corps members. Teach for America provides Duval County with a significant number of teachers each year, who traditionally are placed in hard-to-staff subject areas. These corps members have been shown to have a positive impact on student achievement, and to perform as well or better than their non-TFA peers.
To date, the Quality Education For All Fund has granted $1.75M to Teach for America in Jacksonville to support the 200 corps members in Duval County Public Schools. Teach for America will have a significant presence in the 36 schools where Quality Education for All Fund investments will be targeted. The corps members will be primarily placed in secondary STEM positions in the 36 schools in the Transformation region. Teach For America teachers will also be strategically grouped in each school to create a critical mass that has not been achieved in previous years. Historically, corps member placement has been spread out across the district. With this new approach, the potential for impact is greatly increased. Jacksonville TFA corps members often remain teaching past their 2-year commitment, and/or continue working in education in Duval County either as district administration employees or with non-profits in the city.